End Power Line Fires

This website explains the causes of wildfires started by electric power utilities and discusses the solutions to these problems.

The focus is Pacific Gas & Electric Company and their equipment.

Thousands of beautiful old trees that grace our homes and land are being constantly demolished by PG&E. Felling trees does not address fundamental safety defects built into nearly all overhead utility circuits.

Since the beginning of electrification, power companies have used bare uninsulated wire and cable. No other electrical system uses bare conductors. Any object or animal that contacts two cables will cause a burning arc fault and often an explosive arc flash. These incidents drop burning material into flammable vegetation. New materials make insulated cables durable. It’s long past time to install insulated equipment. If this is not done, utility ignited fires will continue torching California. Droughts, heat and high winds have forced this issue as global warming sweeps across our world.

Power shut downs have become the default fire safety solution. We expect this to be permanent unless the people of California demand better.  

PG&E’s service territory covers 70,000 square miles and includes 16 million people. It’s the largest shareholder owned utility in California and wields substantial political power. But PG&E does not possess an exclusive right to sell electricity. It holds franchise agreements with cities and counties. Various municipalities, public special districts and joint powers authorities can, and do, own and operate distribution systems and generate electric power. 

This website is non-commercial. It’s managed by conservation advocates from counties spanning California. Private citizen action will be necessary to solve this huge problem.

Send us a message. We may be able to help you when handling tree crews. You can help us by joining this effort to make California safe from power utility ignited fires. We will never share your email address.

If you prefer the phone and have questions or concerns regarding information on this website, call or text (831) 345-1555. Leave a voicemail if there is no answer. Include your name, topic of inquiry, and contact information.